Discover Your Genius Consultation

Why spend a bunch of time and money re-creating your life to earn more income when you can use the knowledge you have to fund your dreams?

Many highly skilled professionals just as yourself have lost their passion, feel as though life is passing them by, struggle with the guilt of wanting more, and feel anxious about having to do something NEW or different to change their lives. 

Well, I have got news for you. 

You do not have to feel ashamed or apologetic for wanting to feel excited about what you create and contribute to the world.

And there surely isn't anything wrong with wanting to be compensated for your many years of experience, training and expertise.

Truth be told, you have been giving your good stuff away for free for a long time and you know its time to change this, 

What you do, comes naturally to you, so you often do not notice or simply underestimate the value of what you do well. 

Let's keep it real here! 

You want to get out of the rat race. 

You want to earn what you are worth. 

You want the flexibility to do what you want when you want. 

You want to serve people without feeling as if you are giving a way your soul.

You want to feel proud of your work and happy to solve a problem for your clients

You want to be happy and simply focus on loving yourself in ways you didn't have time for while building your career. 

It is not uncommon to lose perspective of your value and worth when you have been doing the same type of work for so long.  

And this is where the Zone of Genius Consultation is beneficial.

You will be able to see beyond where you are now,

feel like yourself again,

gain the clarity you need to create freely,

and get excited about what you can do with what you already have. 

It is possible for you.

It is possible for you have passion again

It is possible to feel good about your work

It is possible to feel creative and have the time to execute your ideas

It is possible to generate some serious cash doing what you know, love and comes easily to you

It is possible to reconnect with yourself and experience joy

Yes! It is possible for me.
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Discover Your Genius Consultation

is here to help you sort it all out. 

1. 1:1 - 90 Minute Consultation. This conversation is an audit of your skill set and knowledge. You will discover or affirm what you do naturally and learn what you can do with your talent to earn extra cash. 

2. Create your Zone Of Genius Blueprint. We map out your next steps to shift your ideas from thoughts to products. 

This is a powerfully objective consultation that meets you where you are, and gives you an opportunity to fully honor and witness your truth. 

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Discover your passion and feel excited about life again.

Let's get scheduled
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Share your talent, gifts, knowledge, skill and expertise from a place of deep knowing and integrity

Let's get scheduled
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Create the rest of your life doing exactly what you want with what you know. 

Let's get scheduled
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It is not too late for you.

You just need light shined on what you can do and have the facts laid out so you can see what is possible for you with your own eyes.

It is no fun harboring sadness and feeling as though life is passing you by. 

And it is especially frustrating realizing it's time to change but you are not sure about what your next steps are.

Let's face it my friend, 

The time you are spending thinking,

rolling the same thoughts around your mind,

watching videos,

and feeling secretly envious of the folks that are actually taking risk and selling what they know, is not helping you.  

The good news is, you see the need to take action and you want to know what you can do to change your life without the headache of having to learn something entirely new, 

I guarantee, you know something, you are talking about something,  or have a skill set that is worth a gold mine. 

Your knowledge will keep you from needing to go back to school or having to get a new certification.  

You only need to OWN your genius, package it up, and sell it! 

There is nothing wrong with wanting more and not wanting to spend an insane amount of time learning an entirely new skill. 

At some point, life just needs to be sweet, and feel easy,  so you can catch your breath and freakin' chill. 

Yes, I want to have the conversation


You just want to love what you do and fund your big dreams,

You are tired of struggling to win,

You want to be paid what you are worth,

AND You no longer want to give away your good stuff for free!  

And then I am sure, in the very next breathe, you are wondering?

Can I make this transition and pay my bills? 

Will what I have in my mind sell?

Am I good enough to pull this off?

Do I have the energy to do this right now?

Where do I start?

Am I crazy for thinking that somebody will pay me for what I know?

Let me stop you right here! 

Discover Your Genius Consultation

is only a conversation to get crystal clear about where you are,

what you want,

and explore what is possible for you by creating and doing what you are passionate about. 

I do understand where you are. Yes, this is a huge leap and it stirs up many many different emotions. All of this is absolutely okay. It is okay to to experience a touch of fear, however, it is not okay to live in fear, be paralyzed and let your life slip past you because your future tripping. 

The issue is, you know your craft so well, you underestimate just how valuable your genius is. 

It is likely you are talking about something every single day, that people love, and you are just giving it away. 

Let me tell say this, once you know exactly what you can do with what you already have, you will feel relieved and hopeful again. 

Let's face it, you have put a lot of time and energy into getting to where you are now. It feels exhausting thinking you have to start completely over,  right? 

Or, you know your knowledge is worth something, however, you are just not sure how what you know translates into something marketable. 

This conversation will re-ignite your passion, get you clear, and help you understand what you can do with current skill set.

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Who is Desi?

Desi is a mindset and business coach with over 17 years experience. She transitioned away from mental health counseling 5 years ago after completely burning out.

On a hunt for her passion, she decided to live on her terms, and built a thriving 6-figure online business selling her many years of training, knowledge and expertise.

She has helped hundreds of people live better lives. Her coaching is unique in that she understands business and what it takes emotionally to be successful. 

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