Stop worrying about what other people think

Stop worrying about what other people think and what other people have to say about you and your situation.

It's really none of your business. 

I can't say it enough.

Too often we get caught up in what people are thinking, what they are saying, how they may be feeling, and it really has nothing to do with us.

Let people be people and you focus on what you have control over. 

When you get in your head, running down rabbit holes, chasing all of the reasons why someone said what they said or might say to you, you will find that you are missing out.

You are missing out on opportunities to grow. 

Think about it.

When you are worried about how people are going to respond to you, you are not focused on your business. You are focused on them, consumed with self-doubt and fear. 

You can never forget how uniquely amazing you are. 

When you stand firmly behind your vision - by any means necessary, you will show up consistently, produce your content, and have the conversations needed to move your business forward. 

People will have plenty to say and their beliefs have nothing to do with your experience of life and the journey you are on.

So, just know that when you get caught up in other people's trauma and drama, you are holding yourself back.

You're sabotaging your own progress. And you're slowing down what it is that you need to do to move forward.

The energy that you're putting into something that you can't control is taking away from all the good stuff that you can be doing for yourself.

Stop worrying about what other people think, feel, or have to say and handle your business. You cannot control them.

People are always going to have something to say and honestly they need to just be minding their own business and managing their own lives, right?

You do you boo! The journey only gets sweeter.

1. Be confident and boldly state what your intentions are. Stand behind your vision. Stand behind your products and services. When you believe in you, your clients will too.

2. Ready, Fire, Aim! Do the very best that you can and take action. You will find that you can adjust and perfect your product or service as you grow. Many women are missing out on opportunities to share their businesses and ultimately generate income by thinking she needs to be perfect. Good enough goes along way when you are in front of your ideal client.

3. Take a deep breath, count to three, and go for it. Have the conversations, write your blogs, turn on that camera, and find opportunities to share your business with the world. 

Your clients are waiting for you.

Desi Wenzel


Do you find yourself hesitating to get somethings done, due to feeling fearful of how you will be perceived?


Be Fearless and remember self-care is actionable.

About the Author:

Desi Wenzel is a Self Care Consultant and Coach helping overwhelmed, overworked superwomen find their joy, peace of mind, and passion for life and her business. As the result of participating in any of her live group coaching programs or transformational retreats, this powerful woman walks away feeling refreshed, renewed, energized, and ready to live her best life and rule her world. 



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