Feeling Stressed? Seeking Relief?
Here’s Everything You Really Need To Know About Stress.
For many individuals, stress is an ever-present reality. The rapid, often chaotic pace of life that characterizes this lifestyle can be overwhelming.
While constantly on the run in reactionary mode, we can find ourselves easily triggered, leading to a state of anxiety and unease.
(Watch my latest Youtube video showing you a natural way to relieve stress.)
So here’s what you know.
Over time, if not moderated, consistently high levels of stress can have a destructive impact on both our physical and mental health. In fact, a recent Gallup study, 79 percent of Americans polled say they experience stress with some degree of frequency throughout the day.
The American Psychological Association in a 2017 report cited the most common forms of stress for those surveyed:
63% Future of our nation
62% Money
61% Work
57% Political climate
51% Violence
How many things are you not doing because you are afraid of being an imperfect human?
If you are afraid of failing, then you are still worried about what the next person feels, thinks or have to say about you.
Yes, failing is uncomfortable
Yes, failing can wound your fragile ego.
Well guess what, your ego needs to be wounded anyways, as a matter of fact, just throw the entire ego away! It is not serving you.
Your spirit is naturally guiding
Your spirit is softly whispering to you
Your spirit is nudging you to stay in motion
And when you doubt your ego
You allow fear to dictate how to live your life
You allow ego to question your truth
You allow ego to cause confusion in your life
You allow ego to create scenarios about your situation that hasn’t happened yet
Every single time you:
question or
what it is you know you are suppose to be doing, you are being led by your EGO.
Every single time you take a step based on that deep inner knowing, you are moving in your...
If boundaries were so easy we would set the limit and be done, right?
Well, it isn’t always easy to set boundaries because there is an element of discomfort that exist that isn't willfully discussed.
Setting boundaries become easier when you have a few tools to help you through the process.
Truth be told, many people question their decisions before or after setting the boundary which makes them ambivalent about their decision.
You know how it goes.
You have a situation or engaged with a person that is sucking your energy and getting on your nerves and yet, setting firm boundaries is difficult.
Well, to shed some light on this, it's human nature to be ambivalent and to even grieve situations before we let go.
So, to prevent this, here are a few questions to ask yourself to get your mind right.
Question 1: “How is my continued helping in the way of me accomplishing important personal or family goals?”
Question 2: “How is my helping or giving...
Shine bright like a diamond.
I am catching all of this natural light today and am beaming just as bright on the inside.
I woke up this morning in love with myself. I felt rested, energized and excited about my life.
I even said, “you are looking mighty good as well”, and chuckled to myself.
Never had I imagined my physical health being a part of my self care and self love routines.
I have always taken my body for granted and to be honest, I have been disconnected from my body for many years.
Disconnected because I was holding on to being pissed off about breast cancer and not accepting the scars it left behind.
Disconnected because I was pissed my body was attacked by this ravenous disease and I had to go through the invasive process of treatment.
Disconnected because I decided that I didn’t like my new body and I could hide behind frumpy clothing.
I tried to pretend for many years that I was okay...
I want to do it but I just won’t let go! This Cenote represented my entire life.
Check out the Video.
I could SEE myself taking action and doing things to set myself free or make me happy… I could also feel myself getting what I wanted, And YET when it came down to…. jumping leaping taking the Next Step making a Call telling myself the truth taking responsibility for my *ish letting go of excuses initiating that conversation writing that email letting go of a toxic friendship ending a partnership or simply acting on my TRUTH…. I BAILED.
I would stop and come up with some BUSTED excuse, BLAME somebody, find a distraction, AND create some outlandish illusion about something that MIGHT happen.
In just a few short moments I convinced myself of:
1. being swallowed up by the water
2. not having a way to get out of the cave
3. that one ancient crocodile was going to eat me
4. I was going to have a heart attack upon hitting the water and my daughter...
50% Complete
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